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Documentation Centre and Historical Archive


The Historical Archive and Documentation Centre is a public service of the Municipality of Portimão, integrated in the city's Museum whose mission is to safeguard, organise and diffuse the information that allows a global and chronological understanding of the historical themes and the political, economic, social and cultural realities of the Municipality of Portimão and the Algarve.

Assuming the role of the final destination structure of the documental memory and the historical identity of the Municipality of Portimão, it complements the collection and research work of the Museum, namely personal funds, companies, industries, commerce and local associations, as well as the Municipality's own Arqquivo Definitivo. 

Highlighted Document

imgLoader3dccThe Charter of Vila Nova de Portimão, granted by King Manuel I, in 1504, is a founding document of the municipality that has seen its growing economic capabilities recognised, as a result of the special relationship between the land and the sea, as one of the three main centres of the Algarve economy.

DOM MANUEL, por graça de Deus, Rei de Portugal e dos Algarves daquém e dalém mar África, Senhor da Guiné e da conquista e navegação e comércio da Etiópia, Arábia, Pérsia e da Índia, etc..
A quantos esta nossa carta de foral dada à nossa honrada Vila Nova de Portimão virem, fazemos saber, que vendo Nós como ofício do Rei não é outra coisa senão re //

(Transcription of the Frontispiece of the Charter of Vila Nova de Portimão) 

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@2023 - Sítio oficial do Museu de Portimão. Todos os direitos reservados.