Industrial life and the challenge of the sea

Starting at the factory itself, and in particular at the recovered "Casa de Descabeço", the visitor is guided from the old fish market at Portimão Quay to the heart of the factories, following the process of production, packaging and promotion of Portimão canned fish.
It is divided into 5 areas:
There’s Fish on the Quay
The starting point for work in the factories was the Portimão auction market (Lota), a central place for the arrival, sale and distribution of fish.
Between Whistles and “Sereias”
Called by the steam whistles and sirens of the factories, here the efforts of the workers in their journeys on foot between home and work are highlighted.
"A Casa do Descabeço"
In this room, the first steps of the sequence of operations to transform fish into canned fish began.
Arts of Full, Arts of Empty
The factory was divided into two sections:
- The "Full", where the fish were handled and treated and the cans were filled and closed;
- The "Empty", where boxes, keys and tin cans printed in lithography were produced from tinplate.
Promotion - From Portimão to the World
The canning industry's promotion and communication strategies on the national and international markets.