Mexilhoeira Grande – “A Nossa Cultura sai à Rua” and “Mostra de Artes e Sabores da Nossa Terra”

The application project Mexilhoeira Grande – “A Nossa Cultura sai à Rua” and “Mostra de Artes e Sabores da Nossa Terra” was subject to approval by the Comissão Directiva do Programa Operacional of the CRESC Algarve 2020 | Programa Operacional Regional do Algarve in 2019.
“A Nossa Cultura sai à Rua” and “Mostra de Artes e Sabores da Nossa Terra” are initiatives carried out annually in Mexilhoeira Grande, around the dissemination and appreciation of knowledge, techniques, ways of life underlying rural activities in the parish, local products, artistic and musical events.
These activities are considered to be structural in their proximity to the local community and are intended to enhance the value of traditional productions (agricultural, seafood, gastronomic, handicraft) and as a means of preventing the extinction of some of these activities in this area, seeking their sustainability and promoting them as an important cultural and heritage resource. Through these initiatives it is intended to give greater visibility to the territory of Mexilhoeira, to the activities and participants in them, promoting its attractiveness not only to a local and regional public, but also to a tourist public and to potential people interested in starting an activity in these areas, with the aim of contributing to create revenue and added value in traditional activities. Thus, the aim is:
- The provision of better structures and equipment for the events "A Nossa Cultura sai à Rua" and "Mostra de Artes e Sabores da Nossa Terra" to welcome the producers of the parish of Mexilhoeira Grande, who are interested in participating and making their stories and products known. It's planned the acquisition of structures and equipment for both events, such as demountable stands (5 pagoda type tents, 500cmx500cmx250cm, with aluminium structure and thick white canvas covering and sides; 8 demountable stands, 300cmx250cm, with galvanized tube structure and thick white canvas sides and covering), sound system and wireless microphone, screen and street projector, camera. Under the responsibility of the Divisão de Museus e Património (DMP) – CONCLUDED
- The creation of a label - " A Nossa Cultura sai à Rua" - as a way of recognising and promoting “mexilhoeirense” production as part of a local identity that should be preserved, and promoting it at the events mentioned above, but mainly in marketing channels such as municipal markets and tourist information offices, both local and regional, and other channels that may be of interest - IN THE PROCESS OF IMPLEMENTATION;
- Awareness plan, training and qualification of producers, young people interested in starting up a rural activity and the general public. The aim is to raise awareness of issues related to local production, natural crop cycles, the importance of consuming seasonal products, ecology and organic production, promotion of local quality products, short chains and local markets, creation of new products, innovative design, among others - IN THE PROCESS OF IMPLEMENTATION;
- Creation of itineraries and thematic tours around some agricultural and food products; Organisation of a publication on rural activities, traditions and products of Mexilhoeira - IN THE PROCESS OF IMPLEMENTATION;
- Production of bilingual communication materials, related to the promotion of the above-mentioned events, as well as the distribution and maintenance of the label "A Nossa Cultura sai à Rua", including publicity spaces in the press/radio through the interveners - IN THE PROCESS OF IMPLEMENTATION;
- Requalification of the Mexilhoeira Grande churchyard in order to enhance this area, which also hosts the festivities "A Nossa Cultura sai à Rua" and “Mostra de Artes e Sabores da Nossa Terra” - IN CONCLUSION PHASE.